November 14, 2017
Why? Scheduled: Repeat cesarean, hx of uterine surgery, abnormal placentation (placenta previa, vasa previa, accrete, etc) malpresentation (not cephalic), multiple gestation In labor: arrest...
February 13, 2018
Why: ASCCP guidelines (there is an app! Or PDF) Cervical dysplasia — caused by HPV CIN I–CIN3 is a progression Risk factors: Smoking, other...
August 15, 2018
Swab/Urine Chlamydia: usually asymptomatic. Screen routinely. Can cause infertility/PID and Fitz-hugh-curtis. Treat with Azithro x1 Gonorrhea: often asymptomatic. Screen routinely. Can cause infertility/PID. Treat...